SACC - Saint Ambrose Catholic Church
SACC stands for Saint Ambrose Catholic Church
Here you will find, what does SACC stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Saint Ambrose Catholic Church? Saint Ambrose Catholic Church can be abbreviated as SACC What does SACC stand for? SACC stands for Saint Ambrose Catholic Church. What does Saint Ambrose Catholic Church mean?Saint Ambrose Catholic Church is an expansion of SACC
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Alternative definitions of SACC
- South African Council of Churches
- Sacramento Amiga Computer Club
- State Agency Coordinating Committee
- Supporting Arms Coordination Center
- Sexual Assault Crisis Center
- Southern Area Coordination Center
- Service Academy Career Conference
- Ski Area Citizens' Coalition
View 74 other definitions of SACC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SRN The Spectrum Radio Network
- SASI Strategic Aviation Solutions International
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- SNSIPL Secure Network Solutions India Pvt Ltd
- STHD Shear Talent Hair Designers
- SBDC South Beds District Council
- SW The Ski Week
- SCIP Selective Corporate Internship Program
- SPS Sage Payment Solutions
- SPM Susan Page Modeling
- SPC Specialized Products Company
- SSERSA Stockholm School of Economics in Riga Student Association
- SSTI Split Second Timing Inc.
- SFHEF South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum
- SC Save the Cut
- SRI Strategic Resources India
- STRLPL STR Labs Private Limited